Ngrohtorja e Qytetit

Ngrohtorja e qytetit - Gjakovë

KRU "Radoniqi" SH.A

Historiku i Hidrosistemit "Radoniqi"

KRU "Radoniqi" SH.A
Ndërmarrja për prodhimin dhe distribuimin e ujit të pijshëm për regjionin Gjakovë, Rahovec dhe Lumbardh, ekziston nga viti1985

KRM Çabrati SH.A.

KRM Çabrati SH.A.

Historiku i KRM Çabrati SH.A. Gjakovë

History of Gjakova

Brief historical overview

History of Gjakova
Brief historical overview

The history of the Grand Bazaar

The history of the Grand Bazaar
Since Bizeban Sulejman Efendia, known as Hadum Aga, built the mosque of Hadum, between years 1594/95, this area has changed.

Geography of Gjakova

Geography of Gjakova
Brief geographical overview

Archaeology of Gjakova

Archaeology of Gjakova

Geographical location and favourable natural conditions for life and opportunities for development of traffic through the river valleys in what this area is rich


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