Pjesa e qytetit e njohur si “ SHKUGËZA” është një pjesë mjaftë e rëndësishme dhe atraktive e qytetit, e cila zë vend për tu vizituar dhe shijuar natyrën e gjelbër të mbushur me Pisha ...

Çabrati hill

Çabrati hill
Presents an important cultural and historical monument where lots of armed battles took place throughout the history of Gjakova all the way to the last war of KLA



Ereniku river, Drini river, Krena river, Radoniqi Lake.

Gjakova’s Highland

Gjakova’s Highland
Lays in the east of Albanian Alps in the Republic of Albania and it extends even beyond the border all the way to some settlements near Gjakova and Junik.

Education of Gjakova

Education of Gjakova
Gjakova has a long tradition of education since the beginning of civic life in it when the Khadim Suleiman Aga, build vakif, (1594-1595), apart from the inn, the public bathroom (hamam), several shops, a mosque, a school (mejtepe), a library.

Art Music and Literature

Art Music and Literature
Gjakova Municipality is known for its long tradition in many sectors of culture such as music, visual and scenic arts, literature, etc.

Construction Complexes

Construction Complexes

Urban complex of the Grand Bazaar, The complex of  Suka from Cërmjan, Haraçias Inns.


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