LAW NO. 05/L – 079 FOR STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS IN REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO – This law aims to promote, attract and create conditions for the implementation of strategic investments in the Republic of Kosovo, as well as to determine the administrative procedures and criteria for the evaluation, selection, implementation and supervision of strategic projects and defining the procedures for use of the property of the Republic of Kosovo for the purpose of implementing projects for strategic investments.
LAW NO. 04/L-220 FOR FOREIGN INVESTMENTS provide foreign investors with assurance that their investments are protected and treated fairly in accordance with internationally accepted standards and practices.
The Republic of Kosovo shall not harm any unreasonable or discriminatory act or omission, activity, management, maintenance, exploitation, enjoyment or removal of a foreign investment organization or any other investment by a foreign investor in the Republic of Kosovo.
The Republic of Kosovo treats foreign investors in the same manner regardless of the basis of their citizenship, origin, domicile, and place of establishment for business or control.
LAW NO. 04/L-045 FOR THE PUBLIC–PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP the provisions of this law regulate Public Private Partnerships for the provision of public services and / or public infrastructure in all economic and social sectors,
The granting and implementation of a Public Private Partnership shall be based on the principles of equal treatment, non-discrimination, transparency, proportionality, economics, efficiency, public interest protection, free competition, value-for-money and affordability.
The purpose of this law is to create a legal framework for public-private partnerships including procedures to enter into a public-private partnership, the content and structure of Public Private Partnership agreements and the institutional structure responsible for the management and development of Public Private Partnerships in the Republic of Kosovo.