“The key attraction for investors is its highly skilled and motivated labor force with low working costs”
The main advantage of the Kosovar workers is the low cost of operation. The average monthly salary in the private sector is 410 euros. There are young, highly-skilled, multi-lingual, motivated workers with high entrepreneurial responsibility. Considering the available workers, the Municipality of Gjakova has at its disposal prepared staff for the labor market, respectively staff trained in Health, Economics, Business Administration, Hotel, Law and other areas through which Gjakova, but also Kosovo as a whole will increase competitiveness, education level and other aspects.
In addition to the qualified age groups who are looking for work Gjakova also has a large number of engineers in mechanics, electronics, construction, architecture, food technology, chemistry, as well as experts in the textile, agro-cultural, handicraft, trade, etc. industries.
“If you can imagine it, then you can create it!” – BONEVET
In the Municipality of Gjakova we have various professional development spaces that support young people in their preparation and orientation to make the right choice and steps towards developing a successful career.
VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER - This center provides training and re-training of persons who are registered as jobseekers, unemployed and those who receive career guidance services at all employment offices.
BONEVET MAKERSPACE - The purpose of the Maker space-Center is to encourage talented individuals with ideas to take initiative, learn and create. This center facilitates the process of technology transfer to the domestic and international market. Consequently, it strengthens collaboration between Maker space-Members and various partners who support participation in various projects at national and international level.
JAKOVA INOVATION CENTER - This canter serves as a business incubator with a mission of promoting and supporting young entrepreneurs in building and developing new companies. So the incubator's mission is to support start-ups and provide innovative spaces that work with access 7/24. It also offers supportive counseling, training programs in such areas as: Business Management, Market Research, Financing, Marketing and many other areas that are important in doing business.
CAREER CENTER AT THE TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL “NEXHMEDIN NIXHA” – This Center helps students of this school but also other young people in the Municipality of Gjakova to raise their awareness in the future by making the right decisions to further their careers.